Tuesday, August 18, 2015

We are back with a new face

After a long self-imposed hiatus of two years, we are finally back and are now called Proteomics World (formerly known as Proteomics network of India). Not that I wrote too often, but wish that I should have. Anyway, I'm done with Ph.D. and joined a research institute and things seem to be working for me for now.
Last year was pretty big for the Proteomics world, with the publication of two drafts of the human proteome from Dr. Pandey (currently cited 278 times on Google Scholar) and Dr. Kuster's (currently cited 255 times on Google Scholar) labs. It was published in Nature and was big news for Indian proteomics too. Part of the work of the draft from Pandey lab was carried out at the Institute of Bioinformatics, Bangalore and it received wide coverage in the Indian media. Good news for the Indian proteomic fraternity.

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